Thursday, June 12, 2008

[6/12]Former boxer Mitchell Rose suing Jay-Z for $88 Million for copyright infringement

Former boxer and current personal injury lawyer Mitchell Rose is suing Jay-Z for $88 Million for copyright infringement.

Rose claims he gave Jay-Z his demo tape in 2001 after the William Joppy and Felix Trinidad. Rose says he was shocked after discovering Jay-Z had stolen his style and even some lyrics.

“I saw Jay-Z as we were leaving the arena after the fight, gave him my tape, and asked him to listen to it”, explained Rose. “He took the demo with him and shortly after that he began using the whispering (which he now frequents) in his songs. I had previously trained some of my artists to use that style, but it quickly became obsolete after Jay-Z got a hold of it. He used the whispering to enhance his music and financially benefit from it. Jay-Z disregarded the fact that it was my demo where he got the style from as he went on to use it for his own personal gains, which is wrong.”

Rose has served the lawsuit papers to two of Jay-Z's 40/40 Clubs.

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